Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

When I see the upheaval taking place in this great Country of ours I am dismayed, but I must admit also a bit angered. For years our Christian Morals and Principles have been attacked and ignored and now it has been summarily declared by someone who is supposed to be “our President” that we are “no longer” a Christian Country. Well it is apparent to we who know and Love our Country that He is most certainly governing as one who belongs to a place devoid of Christian beliefs. It seems to be the agenda of the present administration to create a country of its own making, one that is unrecognizable to those of us who call ourselves Christian.

As one law after another is passed and our freedoms gradually slip away into oblivion, America sleeps and the Christian Churches remain silent. Giving in to a Social Gospel, the Christian Religions have replaced the Gospel of Virtue with the gospel of activism, an activism not flowing from the Love of God, but squeezed out of each citizen through the force of law. No longer is giving to the poor an effect of Love, rather it has become a mandate of the state, a state which seeks to replace God with itself.
What we are witnessing is the fall of our great Christian civilization through a systematic destruction of our democracy and our economy. Both must die in order to create a “new Order” As the president says, “the fundamental transformation of our society” How proud those who propose this “change” are to use the word “Progressive” and yet for years they hid in the shadows, fearing the light of day until now, when society has become numb with “political correctness”, and infused with a false “racism” founded not on the true feelings of our Good People, but on a manufactured perception of racism based on innuendo and false accusations!

How many Pastors and Cleric’s have failed in their obligation to enlighten the People of God to the Truths of The gospel, and instead have filled their faithful either with apathy or anger based on a false sense of entitlement! Where is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?!? Where are the True Spiritual Leaders who rather than concern themselves with filling their coffers will stand up for the truly oppressed, the unborn and our elderly! Why are they silent? What do they fear? Why is their sense of Justice so selective? Any coward can get behind a crowd that is riled up, but it takes a true man of God to move the people to the fullness of Truth, not just picking and choosing what feels good, or what is popular or even that which is politically correct!
Where is the Presence of Christ? It is disingenuous for anyone to call themselves a “spiritual leader” and then to conform themselves and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the standards of the world. How dare anyone call themselves a leader and then preach in ways that divide the People of God by race! They are wolves in sheep’s clothing they prey on the innocence of the sheep, filling them with hate and prejudice!
Why are we, The People of God putting up with those who comport themselves in this way, why are we not denouncing them as traitors to the Gospel message? Traitors to Christ and traitors to We the People! How long are we going to sit in silence? What are we waiting for? Soon it may be too late. We must rise up and let our voices be heard, not the voices of the self proclaimed religious leaders with a humanistic agenda, leaders who do more promoting of themselves than the Gospel Truth, so called leaders who by playing the race card fill the people with prejudice and hate! Let us return to the Truth, let us return to The Gospel of Jesus Christ, let us return to the sanity of a Faith filled People. Let us return to a country founded and grounded in God our Most Loving and affectionate father. Let us fearlessly shout from the rooftops that Salvation is not nor ever can be given by a government, but by the only One with the Power to Save, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Who is Truly The One we’ve been waiting for!!

1 comment:

  1. When an entire country and its system is based upon the Enlightenment principles of "we all have our rights" and the focus is on the pursuit of happiness, there is nothing to challenge the ultimate "virtue" of relativism and tolerance. America is the breeding ground for a multitudinous amount of private and corporate spiritual rebellion-- based upon our founding principles of everyone has the right to worship as they see fit.

    Millions of Christians, confusing civic rights with spiritual, are claiming that the premise of America's problems are that we have not stood firm for freedom. This is a Satanic obfuscation. The problem is NOT that we don't have enough freedom (that is like saying we don't have enough happiness). The problem is that we don't have enough repentance. We have substituted pursuit of happiness as Christians for the pursuit of holiness. When we wake up to that fact, when Christians start preaching obedience instead of liberties and rights, we will start down the right track. God bless and TOTALLY agree with your post.
