Friday, August 7, 2009

Universal "health" care?


Before I comment on the ABOMINATION that is being forced upon the People of God called “Universal health care”, let me first APOLOGIZE for the silence that took place before the election with regard to what we all knew would be the state of affairs if certain persons would be elected. Perhaps it was fear of retribution; maybe even a fear of losing our tax exempt status as a Church, regardless, any thinking person could see clearly that many of those running for elected office were preaching policies in direct defiance to the teachings of Christ and His Church!
Well, the time of fear is over, no longer will we as Roman Catholic Christians remain silent! All too long we have seen a constant attack by our elected officials on the unborn, who, by the way, are the very FUTURE of our Country!
It is clear that since the evil of abortion never "seemingly" effected anyone personally, it was easy to ignore it, or to cover the horror of the slaughter of our children with the false self justification of being “compassionate” or that such a decision was “personal” and a “choice”. But if by “choice” you mean choosing HEAVEN or HELL, then you’re absolutely correct!
Again, I beg your forgiveness, for if we, the people of God, would have stood up with Moral Authority clearly stating without hesitation the SACREDNESS OF HUMAN LIFE IN ALL ITS STAGES, we would not be in the predicament that we find ourselves at the present moment!
Mother Theresa of Calcutta warned us CLEARLY that a society that did not respect life from the moment of conception would not respect life at all!! I am appalled at the audacity of our elected officials to think that they would, in a FREE Country such as ours even suggest that our elderly citizens are a BURDEN and that “they”, government officials, could have the capacity to be able or even qualified to counsel our BELOVED, PRECIOUS AND TREASURED SENIOR CITIZENS, with regard to “end of life decisions!!!!
My Beloved Sons and Daughters, it is my responsibility as Priest to DEFEND the innocent to PROTECT the Poor and to be the CHAMPION of the weak. I cannot and will not remain silent! You, both the Elderly and the Unborn are in the exact same boat, and are my responsibility, if no one else, it is I who must stand up against all odds to defend you, protect you and to serve you! It will never be the job or right of the government to tell anyone whether or not you are “worthy” of a medical procedure, or if an operation should or should not be done based on whether or not you are a PRODUCTIVE member of society! It has never been the power of the government to legislate the “quality” of human life! And yet there is at the present time in The United States of America a clear and unabashed movement toward such power!
For many years now, ABORTION has been forced upon us by a liberal Supreme Court, and a constant barrage of propaganda has convinced our people that it is a “right”. We cannot keep making the same mistake! Soon, if we do not stand up for life, it will be the “right” of those who are “productive members of society” (the government) to make END OF LIFE DECISIONS REGARDING THOSE OF US WHO THEY FEEL ARE NO LONGER PRODUCTIVE OR COST EFFECTIVE.
We as a Church not only defend the RIGHTS OF THE ELDERLY AND THE UNBORN, but We Know through the Teachings of Christ Jesus that THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN BORN INTO CHRIST JESUS AND HAVE LIVED A LONG AND FRUITFUL LIFE ARE OUR COUNTRYS GREATEST TREASURE!!! We need them! The Elderly, our Senior Citizens are, not only an asset, but our very HOPE, since they are the ones who, through their wisdom, experience and love, are able to teach us and keep us from making the grave and devastating mistakes of so many who have gone before us!
We are the people of the greatest Country on earth, and I believe that it is a singular Grace to be born here in the United States of America, may we, by the lives we live, the choices we make and by our very actions, be WORTHY of the FREEDOMS that have been won for us at so great a cost!


  1. Oh Father thank you so much. I cannot tell you how happy I am that you are speaking out. I recently joined the Catholic church and am continually humbled by her marvelous doctrines and rites. There is no person on planet earth more thrilled to be a new convert than I am. Yet, my heartbreak is that one of the reasons I Ieft my former sect, the Seventh-day Adventist church, is because some of their hospitals perform abortions-on-demand and have no restrictions on even partial birth abortions. It has been so difficult to explain to my family why I am a Catholic when Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and even prominent Catholic nuns are promoting a culture of death. They are currently the face of Catholicism. We must stand up and show the real face of Catholicism. It looks like life, not death. It looks like love, not fear. It looks like Jesus, not demons. Thank you so much, Father. Know there are many out here praying for you, our hearts and souls are with you and admire your courage.
    God Bless!

  2. Father, I will stand beside you, I was recently denied continuation as a candidate for the permanent Deaconate, because of my outspokenness in these vary issues.

    especially ordaining women which the Deacon for the Diocese of Orange CA and a few others said is something that they hope to see changed!..??

  3. You have said it so well, Father!! Choice IS choosing between Heaven and Hell!

    And to Michael re: denied candidacy to the deaconate - my husband wants to be a deacon but was flat out denied entrance into the lay ecclesial ministry program for the same reason! We are in Las Vegas.
